07 November 2008

Thing 7


What do I think about Library 2.0 so far? So far its been fun. I've always like playing with the way things look, like the layout of a page and the composition of a drawing. Change one little thing and you change whole the feeling of the work. But 2.0 does more than that. It puts what you've done in an environment where other people can react to it. They can comment, they can copy, they can create something new from it. Its about building communities through shared interests. Communities are no longer limited by their physical locations. And the technology is advancing so that you don't have to have a degree to participate in it. Course, if you want to create new technology, you may want to get the degree anyway.

One little piece of technology I'm looking at buying right now is a digital camera. Shocking isn't it? There are people out there that still use film. It may soon be that digital is all there will be. Like with analog TV in 2009 - film will be a thing of the past. Already my favorite department store doesn't carry my film anymore (advantix) and the rest of the film was all on clearance. So I'm jumping the divide and getting a digital camera. Maybe I'll even start to take more pictures. I'm notorious for having multiple Christmas' on the same roll. But on my last vacation I actually took a roll and a half and pictures. So I may be getting better at this picture thing.


Kirsten said...

Good luck, it took me three months to decide on what digital camera I should buy to replace the one I broke. There are so many options, but now you can get a good camera for not that much. There are so many things to think about, size, megapixals, zoom, do you want it to grill a cheese sandwich for you? My digital cameras have both been Canons, on the cheaper end of the scale and I have been happy with both of them.

Julia said...

I wish you luck in your new digital camera (I'm a Nikon girl, but Canons are good too). Things to consider - do you take still shots or action shots? (Shutter speed) What kind of zoom do you need (here's where the expense comes in). Are low light conditions a factor?

The good news is that even the expensive ones are coming down in price, so think several years out about what you want to capture and you can't go wrong.