17 November 2008

more RSS

Like I said before, I already have several RSS feeds set up, and added a few more when this Thing came up. So instead of adding even more RSS's to my list, which would've been really easy to do since there are so many out there, I decided to organize my feeds. Shocking, eh?

If you've ever looked at my desk, you'll know that organization is not one of my strong points. I have papers and stacks of books everywhere. I know what each stack is and where everything is (mostly) but I'm sure to anyone else, it just looks like a mess. Online folders don't get that same cluttered messy feeling that paper does, but it can still look a bit haphazard. So I created folders and tags for all my feeds. They're all nice and neat now. It was quick and painless too. The only problem I had was deciding if my librarian friend's blogs belonged in the work folder or not. If only organizing my desk were as simple.

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