29 November 2008
Egyptian Cat Recipes?
I don't know what other weird stuff will come up with my roll, but if you'd like to try it, here it is:
18 November 2008
But they won't be available for Christmas
Long-lost 'Furby-like' Primate Discovered In Indonesia
ScienceDaily (2008-11-19) -- Anthropologists have discovered a group of primates not seen alive in 85 years. The pygmy tarsiers, furry Furby-like, or gremlin-looking, creatures about the size of a small mouse and weighing less than two ounces, have not been observed since they were last collected for a museum in 1921. ... > read full article
This supposedly extint animal has been rediscovered. Its no wonder they got lost. If you were only two ounces at adulthood, you'd be pretty hard to find too.
Cute as these little guys are, I hope they don't cause a Furby come-back.
Another Mosaic
1. Kiss from a rose, 3. Psyche Revived by Love's Kiss, 4. Kiss, 5. .. KISS .., 6. 34/52 a kiss can be a comma, a question mark or an exclamation point. That's basic spelling that every woman ought to know..., 7. kiss me., 8. Kiss, 9. The Kiss, 10. Trees Kiss, 11. A Santa's Kiss, 12. Kiss the Rings, 13. Shadow Kiss, 14. a beach kiss, 15. Kiss, 16. The Kiss, 17. Eddie's Kiss, 18. 28/365 - Toe Kisses, 19. A kiss!, 20. let the rain kiss you..., 21. you may kiss the bride, 22. a 'real' butterfly kiss ..., 23. Red kiss, 24. Kissed, 25. Kisses
17 November 2008
Image Generators
more RSS
If you've ever looked at my desk, you'll know that organization is not one of my strong points. I have papers and stacks of books everywhere. I know what each stack is and where everything is (mostly) but I'm sure to anyone else, it just looks like a mess. Online folders don't get that same cluttered messy feeling that paper does, but it can still look a bit haphazard. So I created folders and tags for all my feeds. They're all nice and neat now. It was quick and painless too. The only problem I had was deciding if my librarian friend's blogs belonged in the work folder or not. If only organizing my desk were as simple.
The Holidays are Coming Early
So here's my to do list:
- Shop - buy Christmas and birthday presents, wrapping paper, and a turkey.
- wrap and ship said presents
- finish latest home decoration/improvement project. I found some decorate wooden panels at Michael's that are going to become a back splash in my kitchen. I just have to to measure, cut, paint and glue them. And this one has to be done before Thanksgiving.
- find a glue that sticks to metal and cement. I was finishing up another project last week (putting tiles in a bathroom) and went to nail down the carpet edger (that metal thing that you put between the carpet and the tile to make the edges look nice and keep the carpet from coming up and fraying) and found that there's cement under the floor in that part of my house. If anyone knows of a special glue that will stick metal to cement, please let me know.
- make Thanksgiving dinner. Crazy I know, but this year I wanted to cook the turkey.
- decorate. I'll be taking off to my sister's place for Christmas (so there's a couple of presents that won't need to be shipped) and I know if I wait until after the cruise, I won't get them up. I really enjoy Christmas decorates and I have no problem with after Thanksgiving decorating.
- finish schedules for the days I'll be gone.
- read all the books that due during the days I'll be gone.
- get ahead on the blog, which could be tough cause I think I'm several posts behind.
I think that's everything. I hope that's everything.
The good news about all of this is when I get back from vacation, I won't be going through all the holiday stress that everyone else'll be going through. I'll be all through with that and can just relax. How cool will that be? Getting to enjoy December?
07 November 2008
Thing 7
What do I think about Library 2.0 so far? So far its been fun. I've always like playing with the way things look, like the layout of a page and the composition of a drawing. Change one little thing and you change whole the feeling of the work. But 2.0 does more than that. It puts what you've done in an environment where other people can react to it. They can comment, they can copy, they can create something new from it. Its about building communities through shared interests. Communities are no longer limited by their physical locations. And the technology is advancing so that you don't have to have a degree to participate in it. Course, if you want to create new technology, you may want to get the degree anyway.
One little piece of technology I'm looking at buying right now is a digital camera. Shocking isn't it? There are people out there that still use film. It may soon be that digital is all there will be. Like with analog TV in 2009 - film will be a thing of the past. Already my favorite department store doesn't carry my film anymore (advantix) and the rest of the film was all on clearance. So I'm jumping the divide and getting a digital camera. Maybe I'll even start to take more pictures. I'm notorious for having multiple Christmas' on the same roll. But on my last vacation I actually took a roll and a half and pictures. So I may be getting better at this picture thing.
01 November 2008
Creating new stuff from old stuff
Thing #6 is all about creating new content from content that's all ready out there. Mashups, I believe, is the word for it. A lot of my co-workers have been using this as an opportunity to create librarian trading cards. Since I don't have a picture of myself (well, I do but they're on my home computer and my computer and I have issues) I decided to do a nature trading card instead.
I've also had fun with Big Huge Lab's framemaker.
This last image is from the cover of H.P. Lovecraft's book of the supernatural. Wouldn't it make a nice display picture? I'm seeing all sorts of possibilities for displays with the Big Lab toys.
I haven't had a chance to play with Animoto yet. There aren't many computers with speakers here, and I keep forgetting my ear buds. I know, there's always my computer, but like I said before, we have issues.
BTW - if you haven't seen Digital Goddess's letters yet, then go now and ponder all the ransom letter possibilities.