28 October 2008
Fun with Flickr
I found this little lion in SAPL's Flickr account. Isn't he cute? I wonder what he's reading?
I actually had a hard time with this Thing of the 23 Things. This is not my first time on Flickr though. I've created several reading maps for SAPL, like The Golden Age of Mysteries and Exploring the Classics: Jane Austin, so exploring and getting around was not the problem. Nope. The problem was selecting a picture to blog about. Finding something that I could wax eloquent on. There are a lot of good pictures out there, but I'm not one for saying much. Probably why I don't have a lot of posts yet. I've been playing with Flickr for days and days and days and now I'm finally blogging about it, and what do I have to say? Only that the lion is cute.
But really, this is my favorite SAPL picture so far. Its simple and bright. There aren't a any distractions in the background. A lot of our pictures have messy backgrounds. Lets face it, metal shelving does not pretty picture make, especially with some of our angles. I'd like to see more pictures of things that might not see in the library. Like the DIY Library set. Its a small set, but I love the idea of it. Pictures of things people have made using library resources. There are so many possibilities.
Now to continue playing with mashups. Got to get me some ear buds though, or do this on a computer with speakers.
22 October 2008
But will it be as good as the book?
20 October 2008
15 October 2008
Flickr Mosaic
Of course you just can't use any old picture you can find. There are rules. Each picture is an answer to a question, and you can only choose the picture from the first Flickr search page.
Here are the questions:
1. What is your first name? Stephanie
2. What is your favorite food? Strawberries
3. What high school did you go to? Roy
4. What is your favorite color? Purple
5. Who is your celebrity crush? David Tennant
6. Favorite drink? Smoothies
7. Dream vacation? Enlgand
8. Favorite dessert? Apple Pie
9. What you want to be when you grow up? A dancer
10. What do you love most in life? Stories
11. One Word to describe you. Timid
12. Where do you live? San Antonio
I'm sure there are lots of Mosaic Makers out there, but the one I (and my friend and my friend's friend) used was fd's mosaic maker. All you have to do is copy and past the URL of the pictures into the boxes. And you can change the size and layout of the mosaic too. Here's one I did with random library words:
I used the words library, books, program and librarian. I'll let you guess which picture is which.
13 October 2008
Begin the Learning
Anyway, assignment #1 is to say which of the 7 1/2 habits for lifelong learning is the hardest for me to do and which is the easiest. The hardest is the teaching/mentoring part. I'm pretty good at picking things up, but teaching other people . . . well, I just don't feel that confident in doing it. I'm never sure on how much to explain and how much to show. I usually end up really nervous and talking too fast.
The easiest thing in the 7 1/2 steps is play. Who doesn't like to play? Do I even have to explain this one?