27 March 2009

This happens every year

Or it seems like it.

I got my tax refund last week. It wasn't much, but it was enough that I thought I could go pick up some books and movies that I've been wanting for while plus some things that I need - like new pants. I spent all last week prioritizing my wish lists. Which ones do I want to most. If they don't have it, what substitutions will I accept. I know, its a little obsessive, but these are books we're talking about. And I haven't actually bought any new books (for me) in over a year.

I was going to go shopping yesterday. It was my day off and I had no other plans. But then, my car died. It just wouldn't start. Luckily for me there are about 20 car repair places on my street. Its working fine now.

It seems like every time I get a little extra money and I want to spend it on myself, something major breaks and I have to spend that extra money on the broken thing. Last time I think a couple of tires split and I had to buy new ones. Another time my water heater broke. Does this happen to anyone else? or is it just me?

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

it is all part of the government's stimulus package. they give you a tax return, then they pay someone to sabotage your car, requiring you to pay someone else to get it fixed which puts your tax return dollars into the economy. genius!