10 March 2009

And the Prizes are In

The 23 Things may be over, but the fun keeps on happening.

Anyone who was able to finish the 23 Things by the end of January was eligible for a prize. Turns out that we got to choose our prize. Since the 23 Thing was all about technology, the prizes were all technology related too. We could choose from a Flickr pro account, an MP3 player, or a flash drive.

Remember all those posts I did had the phrase "If I had an MP3 player. . . ?" Well, now I do. So now I can actually do all those things that I wish I could. YAY!


Kirsten said...

carryable musical devices will change your world. much like the cell phone.

stephicat said...

I've already noticed this. I now have to plug in my mp3 player, as well as my insert my radio faceplate, whenever I drive. And running on the treadmill wasn't nearly as boring.