02 March 2009

Swan Lake

Like my little brother, I cannot drive without music. I need something I can listen to, otherwise I start talking to myself. And when I'm talking to myself, I pay more attention to what I'm saying then the other cars on the road. Its not a good thing. But music keeps me from doing that. Yes, music can be a distraction when driving, but not as much as a distraction as me monologuing.

As I was driving home one night, as I was scanning through stations, I heard Swan Lake. I don't usually listen to classical music when I'm driving. Its hard to sing to, but every time I hear Swan Lake I have to listen. Its probably the only piece of classical music that I can hear anywhere in the piece and recognize.

When I was really little and still had to take naps, my mom would play Swan Lake on the record player to encourage us to sleep. Or at least be still. Sadly enough, I have never seen the ballet. In my dream city - the city where I will one day live, but haven't found yet - there will be a ballet company that does more than 2 productions a year and I will see Swan Lake.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I went to balletsanantonio.org, just to see what our ballet company is up to, and I was disappointed to see only 2 things on their calendar.