25 May 2011

Adventures in Cooking

What can one do with just a hot plate and a rice cooker? This is a question that been I've been faced with since we've moved to Japan. (Not that I've been doing a lot in the kitchen - Mark loves to cook and I'm not one to tell him he can't; I'm more for baking anyway.) Apparently you can do a lot.

Saturday night was game night with some friends, and game night means goodies. We made a quick stove-top fudge. Marshmallows work just as well as marshmallow cream.

Sunday we had a potluck and we brought BLT pasta salad, which was fabulous.

Monday we made onigiri, which at its most basic, is a rice ball. You can put other things in it, bits of fish or chicken, or veggies, or whatever else you can think of, and wrap it seaweed to make it more exciting.

Yesterday we tried a special regional dish called okonomiyaki. Its sort of like a pancake with cabbage and meat or noodles in it, topped with a BBQ-like sauce and mayonnaise. People put mayonnaise on a lot of things here. Its a very popular condiment. I forgot to take a picture of this, but here's what its suppose to look like. Ours were not that nice looking.

And because Mexican food is extremely hard to come by here, I made tortillas.
Not bad for my first time, eh? I'm sure I'll be making this again, and possibly turning them into chips.


Anonymous said...

Sounds very yummy!!! =D

Bleak Refrain said...

I love mayonnaise, too! I don't know about mixing it with a pancake, however. I'm glad that the rice cooker is making for some decent meals. I miss you here, but I'm sure it's such an adventure over there! Wish I could be there to pamper my favorite gorgeous pregnant woman and help her put on her shoes. Maybe even help find them, haha ;-).

Love you! -Dorathe