14 November 2010

Fuzzy's Journey

Mark and I like to go on walks on Sunday afternoons. We may not live in a neighborhood, but there are several nearby that are good for strolling around. Today we went a road that went behind some of those neighborhoods. On one side of the street were fences and the other side were fields. While we were walking, we saw a fuzzy caterpillar. It was pretty big and it moved very fast. Well, fast for a caterpillar. We named it Fuzzy.

But, isn't it the wrong of year for Fuzzy to still be a caterpillar? Shouldn't he be in a cocoon by now? Yes, we asked ourselves these same questions. We found out that Fuzzy is the last of his kind. The rest of his clan was destroyed by Grackles and he is on a quest to find a new homeland and rebuild. He cannot start his cocoon until he has found a safe place to call home.

We wished Fuzzy luck and went on our way. We did not see him on the way back.

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