18 December 2009


I work at the main library in our library system. Its a large, 6 story, bright red building. Its been needing repairs for a long time and this week they started on some major work. Because they've had to build scaffolding in the lobby and turn off the HVAC in order to fix it, the library has been temporarily closed. So I have been working at a branch library all week instead. I've heard many tales about branch libraries, most of them not good, but it really wasn't as bad as the stories I've heard.

Good things about working at a branch:
- Its quiet. Yes, libraries really can be quiet places.
- Its clean.
- There's no mad rush at opening for Internet computers.
- You don't have to pay to park.

Bad things about working at a branch:
- Getting emails from Central Reference saying there's sweets in the basement.

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