16 June 2009

Librarian power

I just discovered that as a librarian, I have a an amazing power. Apparently, I can control the Internet. And I don't just mean other's access to it. I mean I can control websites, passwords, everything. Apparently this a power all librarians have.

Can't access your account? You probably ticked off the last librarian you met and s/he changed your password. The website you visit every single day has disappeared? Yep, that was us. We got tired of your looking at. Thought you could spend your time doing something more rewarding, so we took it away. That test you took online for your new job, which your employer didn't get, we deleted it. You didn't do so well, so we're giving you another chance.

I should probably thank the patron who let me know about this power. Otherwise, I'd still be thinking that it was a combination of human and computer errors. Silly me. Those things just don't happen anymore. Its the librarians.

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

love this post. it is as if all common sense flies out the window when using library computers.