For those of you who aren't family and haven't seen my husband's posts on Facebook, here's the big announcement. I'm Pregnant!
Baby number 2 is due on Feb. 2nd. We are having another girl. Her name will be Kaylee Seraphina.
This pregnancy has been full of anxiety and weeping, especially in the first trimester. I was freaking out about all sorts of things, miscarriages, chronic illnesses, deformities, moving, clothes, food. I was a very hard person to live with. I'm over most of that now, I think. At least I haven't broken down over the thought of wearing the same 2 skirts and 2 pants for the rest of my pregnancy in over 3 weeks.
I am all mixed up about what to expect from the doctors and the hospital though. With Emma, I went to the birthing classes early and then watched a lot of birth preparation videos in Japan, but the Japanese have a completely different attitude towards birth then the United State does. They are very much into natural child birth, but they use a lot of meditation, relaxation, and massage techniques for labor. They had a video of dolphins and aromatherapy candles in the delivery room.
I often think that if I had had Emma in the States, the doctors would have given me a C-section, or least forced some extra drugs on me, because of how long my labor took. I don't want to have the exact same experience as I had in Japan, but I also don't want to be forced into something I may not need. From things I've read and people I've talked to, it seems like that happens a lot, especially in hospitals. But the hospital is the only option I have here. There are no birthing centers and my insurance won't cover a midwife/home birth.
Should I be worried about this? Or is this just my pregnancy anxiety morphing from many issues into one?
You have legitimate concerns but remember you have the power and right to refuse any treatment you do not want. Usually 2nd pregnancies are easier to deliver with less labor since the uterus and cervix have already been through the process before. You came through it once already, you can get through it again. Keep smiling - it helps more that just you mood. It helps your whole well being.
I gave birth in a military hospital where the only choice I had was with or without meds, and when I chose a natural delivery EVERY person there insisted I change my mind. With my 2nd (Mark) I was determined to get to the hospital as late as possible and that worked great -- did my homework, knew my breathing/relaxation techniques and waited until I couldn't walk before heading to the hospital. He was born about 20 minutes after than - not easy, but absolutely easier than the 1st. My advice, keep moving, stay nourished, talk to Kaylee and you'll be super ready to meet her. The first is the worst. PS - there's no shame in being medicated - do your homework and make your own choice. You mental health is as important as your physical :)
Hey there Stephanie, this is Gina Hendrickson. First congrads on baby number 2. Don't worry to much the hospitals are not as bad as some make them out to be. the more you do have the easier it does become but like stated before know what options you have and stand firm with your decisions and all will go smoothly. Trust God above he knows what he is doing. Miss you all.
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