14 October 2010

The good and the bad

Good news and bad news everyone.

The good news is that Mark is no longer working graveyards.

The bad news is that Mark is no longer working.


Earlier this week the company he works for changed his schedule unexpectedly to an earlier time. Of course he didn't find out about this until after he logged on to work his shift and saw that he was supposed to have been teaching several hours earlier. This change was rather last minute and no one attempted to contact him in any way to let him know. So he emailed the scheduler and his HR contact to ask what happened and to apologize for not being on. And because he's up at 3 am and has nothing better to do he blogs about it. He didn't name any names, but apparently the company's CEO found about it somehow and decided Mark was giving him negative PR. He then sent the order down to have him let go.

So we're back to searching for teaching jobs. We've given up on San Antonio and are looking at Idaho, Pennsylvania, and Missouri. If you know of any school districts looking for biology teachers, let us know. 'Cause if we don't find anything by March, we'll be off to Japan, because Japan loves Mark.

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

Total sigh. It sounds like Mark is better off, and I say hold out for Japan.