03 August 2009

Stuck at 4 miles

I thought the half-marathon training was going well. I've been doing the speed training and short runs during the week faithfully and actually waking up at 5:15 on Saturdays for the 6:00 am group runs. I didn't think I'd be able to do that, but I haven't missed a week yet.

What hasn't been going well is the actual group run. My group has been running 4 miles for the past 2 weeks, but I haven't been able to run the full 4 miles. We keep running up Stadium Dr, which starts out as a gradual slope then it curves around to a pretty steep hill. For those familiar with Roy, UT streets, you could say it starts out like 5600 and ends up like 4800, right before the tracks. It kills me. Although there has been some progress. Instead of taking just over an hour to complete the 4 miles, last Saturday it took me just under an hour.

This coming Saturday we get to run 5 miles. I hope they change the course.

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