07 April 2011


We went to Takamastu this week to visit the Immigration office so Mark can officially work and we can get our health insurance. We took the train, and on the way we saw the Anpanman train.

Anpanman is apparently a very BIG deal. He is bigger than Pokemon. The train has been on a sort of country tour and we were very lucky to see it.

04 April 2011

First Impressions

I've been in Japan for 3 days now (I think, my days are a bit muddled) and so far things are good. We are in a little town call Toyohama, which is not where we expected to be, but it won't be for long. Our apartment was not ready, so we are staying in a part of Mark's boss's family house. Its an old farmhouse that has been added onto for many years. We are in the part that was converted to GEM School when she first started her business. The location has moved, but it is still used as emergency housing for her teachers. There is a bedroom, a kitchen unit, laundry, bathroom, and toilet, just not all in the same section. To get to the toilet or the bathroom - which is literally a bathing room - you have to go through the old school room. The kitchen is just outside our bedroom.

One thing I'm really liking is how all the houses have landscaping. They don't have lawns. Instead, they have trees, flowers and statuary. This is one yard that we pass on the way to the grocery store:

This is a little Buddhist temple that is also on our way. (Its also the weekly garbage drop off.)

Yes, those are little Buddha's wearing capes. This seems to be a common practice.

We are also really close to the sea. I don't think there are any beaches but there is a port. We should still be close when we get to our apartment. I like the idea of being able to walk to the sea every day if I want.