12 September 2010

The Marriage Post

This post has been a long time coming. Sorry for all of you out there waiting to hear about it. It took a while to get the pictures (I'm still waiting for some) and then the time to write. Apparently marriage does stuff to your time. My days are now split up into two categories: work and Mark. Everything else has been pushed aside. But he's a Sunday afternoon napper and I'm not.

We were married on July 23, 2010 in the Ogden Utah temple.

All our parents and siblings were able to come, which was a great blessing. I haven't seen all my siblings in the same place at the same time in many years. After the ceremony the photographer took over. It was a bright sunny day and we were facing the sun and in many of the shots you can see us squinting.

We actually had some extra time between the ceremony and the reception. We had so many people helping us set up that we had time for a game of Munchkin. If you do any sort of role-playing, you have to play Munchkin. Its a card game that has elements of role-playing, but instead of everybody working together to defeat monsters, its every man for himself.

We only had two little problems the entire evening. The sugar jewels on my cake melted, so Mom spent most of the afternoon fixing that instead of relaxing and playing games and eating pizza. Not that you can tell that anything was wrong with the cake. Mom is brilliant that way. And the button hook on my dress ripped during one of the photos. The photographer had the groomsmen make a chair out their arms and put me in it. The dress ripped as I was getting in. (Sorry I don't have a picture of this yet. Its on its way.) But a safety pin kept everything in place for the rest of the night.

We had a pretty good turnout for the reception. My friends from high school came, and Mark's cousins, and a bunch our parent's friends whom neither of us knew well.

And here are some random pictures from the reception. Sorry about the quality of some of these. You know how disposable camera are.

09 September 2010


Every year the Society for Design Administration has a contest called Canstruction. Its a food charity donation program where groups of architects and engineers form teams to build sculptures out of canned goods and other non-perishable food items. I'm not sure what the teams win, but at the end of the contest, all the food is donated to local food banks.

San Antonio has been a participating city for several years. One year the sculptures were assembled in the Central Library, which is how I became aware of this project. This year they were displayed at a mall. Mark and I went this afternoon to see them, and, unfortunately, we were not impressed. I remember the sculptures as being very colorful and whimsical, but the ones out there today were not nearly as good. Its possible that food labels have changed so that they are not as colorful. Perhaps the manufacturers are using more white space then they used to; I don't know. I do know that the sculptures were mostly blocky, dull blobs, except for the Norte Dame remake, which actually had some shape and color to it, but was still not quite live up to my expectations. I hope there's better stuff out there next year.

PS We don't know where the sculptures on the Canstruction website were hiding. We didn't see any of the ones posted there, except for Norte Dame.